Story Worlds

Bring a sling - buggies aren't allowed in our Story Worlds.

Story Worlds

Things to see and do

Your Entry tickets give you play time in our magical Story Worlds and Garden.

At the heart of Discover are two floors of magical Story Worlds and a Story Garden. These are immersive, exploratory play spaces where children and their imaginations can roam. Creep through caves, find hidden ships and perform in a puppet castle. Jump over alligators and captain spaceships. Slide down a monster’s tongue and discover mysterious hidden sculptures. 

Our Story Worlds have been especially created to provide something for children aged 0-11. From sensory light displays and tactile cave spaces for littler ones, to Illustration Stations and a Story Factory for older kids to write their own fabulous fables and tall tales. Each visit to Discover brings something new for you and your kids to find. 

Discover’s Story Worlds were created with the bestselling author and illustrator Jim Field in 2016. Additional work and features were added with the illustrator Aleksei Bitskoff in 2019. Our Story Garden was extensively refurbished in 2021.

If you or your child like to see a new space before visiting it, take a look at our social stories videos here or download a PDF version here.