Mighty Mega

Mighty Mega

Things to see & do

A FREE club at Discover for disabled children and children with SEN aged 5-11, their families or carers.

Mighty Mega is a longstanding free Saturday morning club for disabled children and children with SEN, and their families or carers — with sessions featuring visiting artists from various art forms, including storytelling, photography, music, dance, theatre and animation.

Next term: 10 August to 19 October 2024

From 10 August, members will be joined by a new visiting artist.

Find out more about session times and booking your free place below.


Free sessions take place every Saturday at Discover. Workshop places are limited and can be booked from the week before by emailing bookings@discover.org.uk or call 020 8536 5555. If the capacity of the workshop is reached, members are welcome to play in our Story Worlds.

If you have not attended Mighty Mega sessions before we will ask you to fill in a membership form. If you have booked and find yourself unable to attend, please get in touch at anytime before the session to let us know.

Find accessibility information here.


Mighty Mega Sessions run from 10am-12pm each Saturday with the option to stay until 1.15pm for additional Story World play:

  • 10am – 10:30am: Members have exclusive access to the first floor Story World for free play.
  • 10:30am-10:45am: Healthy snacks are available.
  • 10:45am-11.30am: Artist workshop.
  • 11.30am-12pm: Members can take part in an optional craft activity (please book in advance due to limited capacity — see above).
  • 12pm: Mighty Mega finishes. Members are welcome to play in the Story Worlds and in the Story Garden for the remainder of the session (finishing at 1.15pm).

Mailing list and online resources

Sign up to the Mighty Mega mailing list to receive regular updates about sessions at Discover and free online activities to enjoy at home. Email education@discover.org.uk to join the list.

All online activities are ideal for both members who join us in weekly sessions and anyone who wants to get creative at home. Explore all previous resources here.

“At Mighty Mega I can completely relax, as can my daughter. It is a wonderful place where she can simply be herself, and I don't have to worry about explaining her to staff and other parents. This place has made a huge difference to our overall sense of family wellbeing.” Mighty Mega parent
“Mighty Mega has revolutionised our weekends!” Mighty Mega parent
“Discover is a meeting place to meet children and other family members under the same circumstances and take advantage of the free activities locally. Mighty Mega has made a huge impact on our family and child’s life.” Mighty Mega parent
“She really enjoys the arts and crafts sessions and they have given us ideas as to things that we can do at home. I have problems coming up with new ideas!” Mighty Mega parent
“My daughter doesn't like to let go of me when outside of the house... [At Discover] she feels safe and knows all of the story builders. She actively wants to be doing things on her own. This has made a big difference to her confidence.” Mighty Mega parent

Mighty Mega is generously supported by